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Lachen, Weinen, Ausrasten. Egal. Hauptsache Gefühle, Emotionen, Wirkung! Wir wollen Geschichten erzählen, die Menschen bewegen, zum Nachdenken anregen. Aber auch unterhalten, inspirieren. Festgefahrene Strukturen überdenken, Hoffnung geben, Trost spenden. Das ist unsere Vision, darum machen wir Filme.

HADIFILM was founded in 2014 while studying at the HFF Munich and realises feature film projects at home and abroad. These have received several awards and nominations, e.g. the German Short Film Award, the Sehsüchte Producer Award and the German Camera Award.

Together with authors, we develop a wide variety of material, from drama to horror and comedies. Free of restrictive formats, we give the ideas room to develop, to grow, until they have found the right and appropriate concept and can go on their journey. 

In doing so, we are always driven by the human being as the centre of all action: narratively and in collaboration.